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Blood Collection

Sample Collection

DNA Sexing can be performed using blood samples. The safe and best method in this procedure are Nail Clipping and Toe Pricking. Atmost care is required to collect the sample which will ensure perfect results. Beaks Lab is practising this method safely among birds.

The following are essential for sample collection .

The Nail Clipping

Make use of sterilised nail clippers, keeping bird in hand, just clip it. Swipe the nail with alcohol swab and let it dry. Ensure to clip the nail in the top portion so that blood can make a flow. Collect the blood in collection card, allow it to dry and get in to Beaks Lab to pefrom testing.

The Toe Pricking

Keep your bird comfortbaly in hands. Use a sterilised needle to gently prick the toe above the nail and collect the sample in card. Swipe the area with alcohol swab and let the sample dry on to card.

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